Decarbonisation of transport is inconceivable without integration of different technologies and systems. Digital solutions can support this integration. ZEF (Zero Emission Fuels) and Kongsberg will share their experiences in a joint session of the System Integration Focus Group and Digital Energy Focus Group.

Hessel Jongebreur, CEO of ZEF will share his view on how mobility can become sustainable through e-fuels made from sunlight and air. Their innovation integrates all technologies needed to capture CO2 directly from air and make methanol at a competitive price point. ZEF’s story is both a spot-on example of system integration and innovation, and a visionary approach to achieve a sustainable future for mobility. Anders Bryhni, Vice President of Maritime Products at Kongsberg will join the session to share insights on digital innovation in the field of mobility.

Part of this joint Focus Group session will also be used to explore how the ERC community looks at Digital Energy and System Integration in the energy transition. Inspired by the two speakers Andreas ten Cate, Focus Group leader System Integration (ISPT), Ilsa-Maria Sillekens (Shell) and Jonah Poort (TNO), Focus Group leaders Digital Energy, want to engage with you in a conversation about the roles you see for these two important cross-cutting domains. They are keen to learn about your views of these areas, and what you would like to experience in future sessions.


14:15 Intro joined focus group - setting the scene system integration & digital energy
14:25 Survey in the session (mentimeter)
14:35 Reflections on the survey and on the survey done before today 
14:50 Kongsberg, Andres Bryhni
15:10 Zero Emission Fuels, Hessel Jongebreur, ZEF

Click here for the full programme and to register.
Author: Focus Group Leaders
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