It was our pleasure organizing the community event on 7th November at Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam. The topic of the day was "ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURES IN THE PUBLIC SPACE: WHAT’S IN IT FOR US?" under our 2019 umbrella ‘Embracing the energy transition’. We started at 13:00 with keynotes of the HAN project NEFUSTA, the future fuels station integrated in the local power grid and from A. Hak company their view on underground infrastructures, pipelines and cables, for the energy transition.
Four working groups – Digital Energy, CCUS, Offshore Energy and Community Engagement – made good progress with well attended sessions, which were reported out in the early evening. After a well deserved walking dinner with specialities of the Chef, Marcelien Bos moderated our evening program as a stand-in for Jan Douwe Kroeske. Marcelien is currently elected Mayor of your North Sea and we were happy to have her this evening and it brought some balance in diversity since ALL speakers were male – not food-for-thought but food-for-change next time!
Contributions on Social Risk of a case study of ProRail in Zaandam and extractive companies in Africa, the transition of the Port of Amsterdam and a lively panel discussion with PostNL on their specific infrastructure: decreasing post volumes and number of mail boxes versus increasing internet deliveries. Arcadis, the engineering company realizing their exposure in the public space and training their engineers and TU Delft Social Risklector reflecting on the impact changing infrastructures may have in local communities – reaching a yes versus getting a no in my backyard.
A duo-interview Germany-Netherlands on Hydrogen concluded our formal program; we see a close cooperation between the two countries emerging – which is good to being aligned in the space of this new energy carrier requiring a lot of infrastructure and public and political support.
The drinks & bites afterwards provided ample networking opportunities – so many of us made use of this – and after the ‘final bell’ around 21:45 our members and appreciated hosts of the catering could make their way home.
Keeping the ‘last-but-not-least’: the name change of our Oil & Gas Reinvented Community (OGRC). This name has served us for six years now. When we started in 2013, our ambition was to show that the Oil & Gas business was innovating and exploring new frontiers such as cooperation with offshore wind, reuse of platforms and pipelines for wind produced hydrogen and so on. Now we have grown to a 1,000+ members building bridges beyond oil & gas, touching upon areas such as offshore energy, energy storage, CCUS, hydrogen, energy grid & utilities, geothermal energy and digitalization. Last Summer our team brainstormed about a new name and repositioning our purpose to diversity and inclusiveness of all energy transition players involved. We had made a shortlist of names and set out a pole: voting and also open to new alternative names. It became ‘ENERGY REINVENTED COMMUNITY’ from the pole, and that’s what it’s going to be for the coming years. Within short you will receive an email with detailed information about the new name and renewed positioning. The name of our website has already changed into www.energyreinventedcommunity.com.
All presentations as well as a summary video of the day and the photos taken, can be found at our website by using your personal login code under FORUM AND select EVENTS.
Please join us in celebrating our new name! Shortly we will present our 2020 theme and for those of us who want to have the calendar up-to-date now: the next event will be on 4th of March.
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to update your profile (if you have any changes) in the membership site and link up to our LinkedIn group for ENERGY REINVENTED COMMUNITY, we now have over 1000 members globally in our community.
Four working groups – Digital Energy, CCUS, Offshore Energy and Community Engagement – made good progress with well attended sessions, which were reported out in the early evening. After a well deserved walking dinner with specialities of the Chef, Marcelien Bos moderated our evening program as a stand-in for Jan Douwe Kroeske. Marcelien is currently elected Mayor of your North Sea and we were happy to have her this evening and it brought some balance in diversity since ALL speakers were male – not food-for-thought but food-for-change next time!
Contributions on Social Risk of a case study of ProRail in Zaandam and extractive companies in Africa, the transition of the Port of Amsterdam and a lively panel discussion with PostNL on their specific infrastructure: decreasing post volumes and number of mail boxes versus increasing internet deliveries. Arcadis, the engineering company realizing their exposure in the public space and training their engineers and TU Delft Social Risklector reflecting on the impact changing infrastructures may have in local communities – reaching a yes versus getting a no in my backyard.
A duo-interview Germany-Netherlands on Hydrogen concluded our formal program; we see a close cooperation between the two countries emerging – which is good to being aligned in the space of this new energy carrier requiring a lot of infrastructure and public and political support.
The drinks & bites afterwards provided ample networking opportunities – so many of us made use of this – and after the ‘final bell’ around 21:45 our members and appreciated hosts of the catering could make their way home.
Keeping the ‘last-but-not-least’: the name change of our Oil & Gas Reinvented Community (OGRC). This name has served us for six years now. When we started in 2013, our ambition was to show that the Oil & Gas business was innovating and exploring new frontiers such as cooperation with offshore wind, reuse of platforms and pipelines for wind produced hydrogen and so on. Now we have grown to a 1,000+ members building bridges beyond oil & gas, touching upon areas such as offshore energy, energy storage, CCUS, hydrogen, energy grid & utilities, geothermal energy and digitalization. Last Summer our team brainstormed about a new name and repositioning our purpose to diversity and inclusiveness of all energy transition players involved. We had made a shortlist of names and set out a pole: voting and also open to new alternative names. It became ‘ENERGY REINVENTED COMMUNITY’ from the pole, and that’s what it’s going to be for the coming years. Within short you will receive an email with detailed information about the new name and renewed positioning. The name of our website has already changed into www.energyreinventedcommunity.com.
All presentations as well as a summary video of the day and the photos taken, can be found at our website by using your personal login code under FORUM AND select EVENTS.
Please join us in celebrating our new name! Shortly we will present our 2020 theme and for those of us who want to have the calendar up-to-date now: the next event will be on 4th of March.
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to update your profile (if you have any changes) in the membership site and link up to our LinkedIn group for ENERGY REINVENTED COMMUNITY, we now have over 1000 members globally in our community.