H Vision
In the H-vision project sixteen parties, predominantly from the Port of Rotterdam industrial area, collaborate in a detailed study to explore the large-scale production and application of blue hydrogen in the Rotterdam industrial area. Blue hydrogen will enable the industry to substantially reduce CO2-emissions achieving a step change in the energy transition progress before 2030.
Blue hydrogen is obtained from natural gas or industrial residual gasses by splitting them into hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The captured CO2 will be safely stored in depleted gas fields in the North Sea or re-used as chemical building blocks. With H-vision the industry invests in a sustainable future. Blue hydrogen infrastructure and installations are future proof for a hydrogen economy based on green hydrogen, obtained from water using solar and wind-energy driven electrolysis.
H-vision participants are Deltalinqs, TNO, Air Liquide, BP, EBN, Engie, Equinor, Gasunie, GasTerra, Linde, OCI Nitrogen, Port of Rotterdam, Shell, TAQA, Uniper and Koninklijke Vopak. Together they represent the hydrogen value chain, from production to end-users.
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