From the Steering Committee Oil & Gas Reinvented
A few days ago the Steering Committee held its progress meeting at Shell. The SC looked back at the event at the Shell Technology Center in Amsterdam on October 27th. We started with plenaries on "Power to gas" and "Plastic Soup" followed by working group meetings. The working groups have been very energetic, in particular the Young Professionals who played the "Energy Game" developed by Shell. "Offshore energy" was advancing the evening program, and looking further down the road, whilst CCUS presented material for CCS alternatives for the coal power plants on the Maasvlakte. "Digital oil & gas Fields" strives to get concrete projects off the ground, which seems to be very challenging.
The theme of the plenary, system integration off shore energy, worked out well in compelling approaches for energy production from the North Sea area. Presentations from Dong on wind energy and EBN on oil and gas infrastructure, the pitches of the nominated award winners of the energy challenge on re-use of existing platforms and the presentation of the results of the system integration study showed a consistent view on the topic. In addition, the 2050 – An Energetic Odyssey and the panel reflecting upon future sustainable developments, completed the evening before drinks and dinner. All in all the SC expresses a big thank you to all participants and organizers for their highly valued contributions.
The SC discussed future themes and has chosen "Big Data" in oil & gas as the theme for Spring 2017, and is looking forward to create a high quality event for our community. To be continued, and suggestions on this topic are – as always – very welcome.
Last but not least our good housekeeping: our IT-platform needs improvement regarding the communications and ease of use by our community members. The SC has decided to build a new internet platform taking into account the learning from experience over the past 3 years.
Looking forward to meeting you on our next event and meanwhile happy to receiving your feedback or comments,
Best regards,
Ewald Breunesse on behalf of the SC Oil & Gas Reinvented