We would like to take the opportunity to update you on recent important changes in our Community.
Firstly, we are very proud to announce that TenneT, the Dutch – German transmission system operator, has decided to join our community and take up an active role. We would like to welcome a new member to our Steering Board, in the person of Koenraad van Hasselt, Head of Political Affairs and Media Relations at TenneT.
Secondly, Ewald Breunesse has decided to step down from the Steering Board, we are pleased to announce that Shell will remain committed to our community. Ewald will be succeeded by Martine Hoeksma, Energy Transition programme manager at Shell Nederland. A big thanks to Ewald for all that he has done for our Community and a very warm welcome to Martine as a new member of our Steering Board.
Normally, the members of the Steering Board would outline the plans for the new year in a live event. Under the circumstances we decided it would be best to update you with a short VIDEO STATEMENT, in which the new Steering Board members also introduce themselves. You can view the video statement by clicking on the following link or click on this picture below.
Last but not least, we would like to announce the first Energy Reinvented Community event in 2021! We kindly ask you to save the date for the upcoming online event, which will address the new energy law being drafted in the Netherlands.
Thursday, 8 April 2021, Online,
13:00 – 17:00h
(this event is free of charge)
This event is the first in a series of three events within the overall 2021 annual theme of BEYOND BORDERS. In three events we will address opportunities, spark ideas and discuss solutions that will help us to think beyond borders and seize the opportunities that are key to accelerate the energy transition together.
The event of 8 April 2021 will focus on topics related to our theme: thinking beyond borders between sectors, energy carriers (electrons and molecules) as well as geographical borders. All this will be reflected in the new energy law as well as in the political programs leading up to the elections and coalition agreement.
Registration is already open. We will share the exact details and full agenda around 25 February 2021. Meanwhile, make sure to save the date and get engaged via our LinkedIn page to start the discussion on this topic!