Depending on the decisions of the incoming Dutch Cabinet concerning gas production, our country may shift from being an exporter to a net importer of natural gas much more quickly than had been thought. One of the TNO scenarios is that this will already be the case in 2021, whereas other predictions suggest the date to be between 2030 and 2035.

Shaping this transition as well as determining who will orchestrate the domestic energy supply are tasks for the Dutch government. In view of this latest estimate by TNO, the need to do this could be much faster than has often be thought.
Experts from TNO have worked out four scenarios based on future production in Groningen, the supply from small gas fields and the likely fall in demand for natural gas. TNO’s own studies as well as studies by parties like ECN and Gasunie Transport Services have also been used in producing these scenarios.
Read the interview and the conclusions from the whitepaper and check out the video with Lucia van Geuns, expert in renewable energy and senior scientist at TNO.
(Note: Whitepaper and video are only available in Dutch)
Shaping this transition as well as determining who will orchestrate the domestic energy supply are tasks for the Dutch government. In view of this latest estimate by TNO, the need to do this could be much faster than has often be thought.
Experts from TNO have worked out four scenarios based on future production in Groningen, the supply from small gas fields and the likely fall in demand for natural gas. TNO’s own studies as well as studies by parties like ECN and Gasunie Transport Services have also been used in producing these scenarios.
Read the interview and the conclusions from the whitepaper and check out the video with Lucia van Geuns, expert in renewable energy and senior scientist at TNO.
(Note: Whitepaper and video are only available in Dutch)