Heat Transition

The focus group Heat Transition has been active as of 2020 as a follow-up of the working group Geothermal Energy. Since this change it takes a broad perspective on the transition towards sustainable heat in industry, horticulture and the built environment throughout the whole value chain, from its sources up to its direct use in the factory, greenhouse and at home. In the focus group we lively and openly discuss the heat transition in the larger context of the energy system, the objectives government set and how to reach them, regulation, policy, public and private roles and responsibilities, sustainable heat technologies and their economics, and how to engage all within society to accelerate, scale up and play their part. To get an idea of how the focus group sessions work you can go back to all the presentations of the focus group Heat Transition in the archive via this button. It’s certainly worthwhile to have a look.
Together with Jeroen van Duin from Shell and Maurice Hanegraaf from TNO we prepare the focus group sessions, and we welcome everybody to join our sessions and discuss how we can contribute.

Would you like to join this focus group, just log in or sign up as a member of our Energy Reinvented Community.

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